This show has so much heart, had my eyes bawling multiple times. Every character is so lively. Make 20 seasons of this please and keep give qu33r and poc writers opportunity to tell our stories please. (The ending tho gave me a heart attack)
Tony Scott是个男人气很足的导演最近特喜欢跟DENZEL WASHINGTON合作前年的MAN ON FIRE(里面有我特喜欢的小FANNNING)和去年的DEJA VU风格迥异不过很喜欢这不10年前的电影看过很多遍幽默和诙谐好莱坞的手段就是让你觉得电影里看到无比真实里面最值得记住的可能是这么一句对白金甁梅是他也是当律师的老婆说的"then who's monitor the monitor of the monitors”呵呵金甁梅是啊大家都说要是非分明黑白分明问题是谁来定